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erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by
Global Architecture to present their residential work in progress. [3+1]house is published in GA HOUSES
PROJECT 2008, coinciding with the exhibition at the global architecture gallery in tokyo, japan.
also a solo exhibit at the I space gallery in Chicago, opening June 6, entitled, "[RE]mote chicago I II III", documents
the efforts of his critical practice and the design work of his uoi graduate students.
3+1[prototype] is part of a show at the 2005 detroit artist market exhibition entitled residential[MUTATIONS] illustrating the redefinition of existing residential prototypes.
3|360 was part of the 1996 portfolio that was selected as erik m hemingway being named as one of the 15th Annual Young Architects by New York Architectural League. exhibited at the urban center with 5 other emerging architects, the installation exploits architecture as revolving information.
erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by Global Architecture to present their outstanding residential work in progress. [BIGBOX]house is featured in GA HOUSES PROJECT 2006, published in march, coinciding with the exhibition at the global architecture gallery in tokyo, japan.
[DETROIT] billboard is the 2004 selected/invitational artist by the Lemberg Gallery. part of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research it exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials.
erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by Global Architecture to present their outstanding residential work in progress. [BUNKER]house is featured in GA HOUSES PROJECT 1999, published in march, coinciding with the exhibition at the global architecture gallery in tokyo, japan. it was also featured in the 2nd Annual Avant Guardian Issue of surface magazine.
exhibition[ISM] was featured in the april 2003 Architecture Record2, Emerging Architects interview with erik m hemingway. it was also featured in the clear magazine interview with erik and his emerging critical detroit architecture firm hemingway+a/studio.
mies[UPGRADE] is the evolution of research of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research that exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials.
octane is part of the 2006 invited alumni, 125th Year Exhibition, at Columbia University in New York. part of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research it exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials. it was also featured in the publication big idea and architectural record.
reef, received a mention in the 1997, 1st annual metal architectural awards. it also is featured in the International Architecture Yearbook 1999.
erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by Global Architecture to present their outstanding residential work in progress. [SB]house is featured in GA HOUSES PROJECT 2007, published in march, coinciding with the exhibition at the global architecture gallery in tokyo, japan.
[SF]house is is part of a show at the 2005 detroit artist market exhibition entitled residential[MUTATIONS] illustrating the redefinition of existing residential prototypes.
[SF]office located across from the transamerica building in san francisco, the origin of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research that exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials.
sonic[FOLDS] was the 2004 invited competition entry for the Philbrook Museum of Art LANDed Competition hemingway+a/studio was one of fifteen architects. part of the ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research it exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials. it was also the proposal the lead to his selection for 3 different visiting academic studios, resulting in accepting the Nadine Carter Russell Chair at the Louisiana State University.
[STEEL]democracy was the 2005 one of ten selected artist and finalist from the McCormick Museum Foundation Art Competition. it is also featured in an exhibition sponsored by the chicago architectural foundation.
erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by Global Architecture to present their outstanding residential work in progress. sub[URBAN]house is featured in GA HOUSES PROJECT 2003, published in march, coinciding with the exhibition at the global architecture gallery in tokyo, japan. it is also part of a show at the 2005 detroit artist market exhibition entitled residential[MUTATIONS] illustrating the redefinition of existing residential prototypes.
[sul]BATH is part of the 2006 invited alumni, 125th Year Exhibition, at Columbia University in New York. part of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research it exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials.
[SYRIAN]protoype house received a citation in the 44th annual progressive architecture Awards. erik m hemingway, principal/artist of hemingway+a/studio, was one of 60 prominent global architects invited by Global Architecture to present their outstanding residential work in progress. [SYRIAN]protoype house is featured in GA HOUSES PROJECT 1997, published in march.
vertical folds
vertical folds is part of the 2006 invited alumni, 125th Year Exhibition, at Columbia University in New York. part of the h+a ready-made[ARCHITECTURE] research it exploits the reconfiguration of big box ready-made construction materials.